Across the state, residents of nursing homes and adult care home facilities, along with family members, Long Term Care Ombudsmen, volunteers, facility staff, and others, will honor the individual rights of long term care residents by celebrating Residents’ Rights Month in October.

This year’s theme - Amplify Our Voices - emphasizes a community of long-term care residents coming together to make their voices heard. For residents, amplifying your voice means being outspoken about your preferences and choices and sharing who you are and your experiences.

Residents’ Rights Month is an opportunity to focus on and raise awareness of dignity, respect, and the rights of each resident. The federal Nursing Home Reform Law guarantees residents’ rights and strongly emphasizes individual dignity, choice, and self-determination. The law also requires nursing homes to “promote and protect the rights of each resident.”

Join us in October to support and help promote community awareness about the importance of Residents’ Rights.