Mobility and transportation planning naturally affect multiple communities. Coordination and comprehensive approaches to this work ensure seamless communities for residents.

CPRC provides technical support and guidance on long-term, large-scale planning and offers individual assistance for local plans, while stressing an approach that considers investment impacts in the broader community context of growth, economic development, sustainability, and housing availability. 

Metropolitan Planning Organization Support

Our region contains two Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) - the Capital Area MPO (NC CAMPO), which covers all of Wake County and portions of Granville, Franklin, Johnston, and Harnett counties, and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (DCHC MPO), which covers all of Durham County and portions of Orange and Chatham counties. These two MPOs are responsible for decision making about long-range transportation planning and transportation project funding within their respective areas. 

CPRC provides technical support to our region’s MPOs, particularly on regional issues that transcend MPO boundaries through:

  • The Triangle Region Air Quality Conformity
  • The Research Triangle Region's Metropolitan Transportation Plan
  • Facilitation of Joint MPO Executive Committee & Policy Board Meetings
  • CommunityViz Scenario Development & Growth Allocation
  • Transportation Modeling & Data
  • Socio-Economic Data & Forecasting
Destination 2055 is Underway

Destination 2055 is the long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region of North Carolina. The plan is being developed cooperatively by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO). This plan will identify roadway, transit, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and other transportation projects that are recommended for development over the next 30 years.

Learn more

The first phase of the planning process is to understand what people who live, work, and play in our region want from the transportation network over the next 30 years. 

With ours being one of the fastest growing regions in the nation, we need your answers to this survey to help the two MPOs, NCDOT, and other transportation and transit agencies, and local municipalities better understand your perspective on policy goals that will guide future investment decisions. 

Take the survey in English

Take the survey in Spanish

Map of MPOs

2050 Joint MPO Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Documents & Data related to the most recent adopted Long Range Transportation Plan can be found on the CAMPO website here

Transit Corridor Planning

CPRC specializes in examining the interconnectedness of transportation, land use, housing, and economic development issues. One of the ways we explore these themes is regarding major transit investments. We have supported several projects around the region related to station area planning and connections between land use, housing policy and transit decision-making. 

A Better Place: A Land Use Analysis of the Triangle’s Passenger Rail Corridor

This report looked at the places that could be served by a passenger rail investment within the North Carolina Railroad 
(NCRR) Corridor between West Durham at Duke University and Clayton in Johnston County. It focuses on important issues 
associated with land use in the region, corridor and commuter rail station study areas: 

  • Regionally consistent place types and the capacity for future growth in the rail corridor and station study areas
  • Current local land use and development ordinance designations
  • Development plans and issues related to anchor institutions, including universities and the Research Triangle Park
  • The alignment of existing and planned land uses with a development market assessment 
  • Key local development standards, especially building set-backs from the railroad right of way (ROW)
  • Opportunities for joint development and equitable Transit-Oriented Development.