Mobility and transportation planning naturally affect multiple communities. Coordination and comprehensive approaches to this work ensure seamless communities for residents.
CPRC provides technical support and guidance on long-term, large-scale planning and offers individual assistance for local plans, while stressing an approach that considers investment impacts in the broader community context of growth, economic development, sustainability, and housing availability.
Metropolitan Planning Organization Support
The Triangle area is served by two Metropolitan Planning Organizations/Transportation Planning Organizations (MPOs/TPOs) - the Capital Area MPO (CAMPO), which covers all of Wake County and portions of Chatham, Granville, Franklin, Johnston, and Harnett counties, and the Triangle West TPO (TWTPO) (formerly known as the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (DCHC MPO)), which covers all of Durham County and portions of Orange and Chatham counties. These two organizations are responsible for decision making about long-range transportation planning and transportation project funding within their respective areas.
CPRC provides technical support to our region’s MPOs/TPOs, particularly on regional issues that transcend MPO/TPO boundaries through:
- The Triangle Region Air Quality Conformity
- The Research Triangle Region's Metropolitan Transportation Plan
- Facilitation of Joint CAMPO/TWTPO Executive Committee & Policy Board Meetings
- CommunityViz Scenario Development & Growth Allocation
- Transportation Modeling & Data
- Socio-Economic Data & Forecasting

Destination 2055 is Underway

Destination 2055 is the long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) for the Triangle region of North Carolina. The plan is being developed cooperatively by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and the Triangle West Transportation Planning Organization (TWTPO). This plan will identify roadway, transit, rail, bicycle, pedestrian and other transportation projects that are recommended for development over the next 30 years.
Joint CAMPO/TWTPO Planning Document Library
Connect 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan - Full Plan Report with Appendices - adopted by the DCHC MPO Board on February 9, 2022 and the CAMPO Executive Board on February 16, 2022
DCHC MPO Amendment # 1 to the Connect 2050 MTP - approved August 9, 2023
CAMPO Amendment # 1 to the Connect 2050 MTP - approved August 16, 2023
The joint CAMPO & TWTPO (formerly DCHC) Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) is typically updated every 4-5 years
The CAMPO Executive Board and TWTPO Board have jointly identified seven policy priorities for the Triangle Metro Region. These priorities can result in fast-growing regions staying ahead of the growth curve, rural areas and small towns taking advantage of economic opportunities, and every community providing complete streets and safe solutions tailored to local conditions.
Periodically, the CAMPO Executive Board and TWTPO Board will hold a joint policy board meeting to discuss matters of joint interest. These meetings are facilitated/arranged by Central Pines Regional Council. Materials from recent joint board meetings can be found below:
January 29, 2025 Joint MPO Board Meeting - Agenda | Slides
May 31, 2024 Joint MPO Board Meeting - Agenda | Slides
CommunityViz Growth Allocation Model
CommunityViz is a tool used to understand the capacity for population, household, and employment development based on existing & planned land use conditions, as well as allocate projected growth. The model is used to create future development scenarios and help understand their relative impacts. The growth allocation model outputs are then used as inputs for the regional transportation model.
With five basic inputs, it can be used to create future development scenarios and understand their relative impacts. CommunityViz requires the following inputs to create a scenario:
- The location of features that constrain development, such as water bodies, wetlands, and stream buffers;
- The type of place each parcel will become, and the intensity of each place type;
- The current development status of each parcel, relative to its future use;
- The factors (such as proximity to transportation infrastructure and availability of sewer service) that will influence how attractive each parcel is for development, termed land suitability; and
- The types and amounts of growth that will be allocated, termed "guide totals."
Scenario planning and alternatives analysis are used to explore alternatives for growth, development, and transportation investments in the region, as well as measure against regional goals and community values.
For more information on CPRC's CommunityViz growth allocation model, contact Ben Bearden at
Resources that may be useful for local government staff reviewing CommunityViz parcel input data will be posted here
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) encompass a broad range of technologies that are intended to improve the operations of the transportation system, such as traffic signal coordination, ramp meters, variable message signs, and vehicle automation technologies. CPRC administers a Regional ITS Working Group for the Triangle region, which is tasked with working to implement the region's ITS plans in coordination with various implementing agencies such as local governments, transit agencies, and NCDOT.
Triangle Region ITS Strategic Deployment Plan Update (2020)
ITS Deployment Roadmap (in development)